Monday, July 13, 2009

DAY 1: The Start (13th July 2009)

I have always had a lot of random thoughts in my mind - thougths on life, on work, on marketing and a whole lot of things. These are like fireflies in a dark night - always there looking beautiful, lighting up the solitude but elusive to catch and pin down. This blog is my way of catching these fireflies and bottling some of them for posterity.

Will someone read it? Will somone comment? Will I become famous? Well, the intention of the blog is none of these. The intention is just to put my thoughts down on paper, or website, and maybe come back to them at a later date and have a nice little smile on my face. Or maybe get my kids - a daughter and son - to read these at a later date so that they understand what their father's thoughts were.

Encouraged by a few friends I have decided to embark on this journey. Like any 'newsletter' there are so many things that I want to fill this post with. The challenge, however, is to see if I can maintain the habit and write my blog daily.

Well...its a start. The train has left the station....lets see if it chugs along smoothly or stops midway broken down with no repair in sight.

Let me end my first post at this - a challenge to myself to come back and write some coherent stuff tomorrow.


  1. So you've taken the plunge. Welcome. No matter how the water is, it is always entertaining.

  2. Thanks a ton! Lets see how this goes! The water feels warm right now!

  3. Innovative & a very interesting read! Keep it up, Kaushalda!! Cheerio!!! =)
